All About The Sims (2047653)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Sensei D\'Taste!
Published Mar 22, 2008
About Me
Retired!! It's time to put real life first. There, I'm putting my foot down! lol. Hubby and I have decided that it's time to settle down and start a family. We're both in our mid thirties, so it's time to get a move on in life! Mark and I found out yesterday (Dec 17 08) that our first baby is due in June 09! I can't begin to tell you how happy we both are! Life is incredible!! I got my dream job too (which has got great day care for when our kids make an entrance!) in middle management! Finally somebody gets to serve me coffee! lol. Thank you to everyone who has downloaded my one and only lot. Sorry I wasn't able to upload any more, but real life is just so busy, that I've decided to give up the Sims! *gasps* Everything is uninstalled and has been given to my local charity shop. No sooner had I taken everything in, then some guy came in and snapped everything up for £120!!! Yay to the charity!! I may still pop in from time to time, we'll see. Thank you to all of the artists too, for making our Sims lives and homes that much more fun to play! Thank you everybody, god bless, xxx
My Latest Updates Show All
Reeeetirement!Written Dec 18, 2008
Huh?? I'm only in my (nearly) mid thirties and already I'm retiring?? Yep. Hey, I know you're not going to miss me! lol. Real life has just become way too hectic! I have retired from making stuff on here. That's it, nothing more, the shop is shuttified. It is a sad day...well for me anyhow! lol. But I've just got too many other wonderful things going on in my life right now, so the Sims are... ...More
Sensei D'Taste - PreviewWritten Mar 21, 2008
If your Sims love to cook, and if they enjoy the company of cuisine minded Sims, let them explore their palettes and culinary inspirations at Sensei D'Taste. Can your Sims dazzle the judges by cooking exquisite dishes for the food contest in the two fully equipped kitchens and win first place? It will be released on 22nd March 2008. A front view preview: The lot has been completely... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
AnoeskaBDec 24, 2008
*Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year full of joy, happyness and love.*
CyclonesueDec 21, 2008
Thank you so much for your Christmas wishes - wishing you a fabulous holiday too and the very best wishes for 2009! Sue PS: I love your minisite banner (it's making me want to switch my site to green too!)
stefforDec 20, 2008
Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2009